Become a
credentialed minister
Why Credential?
Why Credential?
We asked AG General Secretary Donna Barrett two questions for our NWM Breakfast at General Council 2019. Hear her answer here!
1. When should I start pursuing credentials?
2. How do I know when to go to the next level of credentials?
Rocky Mountain Ministry Network Superintendent Gene Roncone has created and shared this resource with us to help you prepare for Ordination. This document covers important topics such as:
Why Should I be Ordained?
The Importance of Formal Training
Online Alternatives to Credential Advancement
1. Contact your District/Network Office
Applications for Assemblies of God ministerial credentials are made through the District or Network Offices. You should contact the district/network council office for your area for information on how to apply for credentials with that district/network. You can find contact information for our District Council offices by using the Assemblies of God Church Directory.
2. Meet the Qualifications for Ministry
Read The General Council of the Assemblies of God Constitution and Bylaws, which contains a section about qualifications for ministry in the A/G.
The Assemblies of God believes in education and giving all the resources needed in order to fulfill your calling. Whether you want to step into a college campus as a full time student and receive a degree, or are interested in becoming a credentialed minister, there are numerous options that will fit your budget, time, and location.
Global University offers ministry training designed to prepare you to fill a church leadership role and to help you fulfill the call of God on your life. This method of study has been utilized by many ministers, as they can pursue their training congruent with their current occupation. You can progress at your own pace, in the convenience of your home.
The Alliance for Assemblies of God Higher Education has the primary responsibility of developing educational, spiritual, and theological standards that our endorsed colleges must meet. We have schools across the nation that meet their high standards. The choices are broad and the fields of study diverse. Several offer online opportunities as well as onsite studies.
A School of Ministry is a ministerial training program that enables students to pursue their credentials. They are regionally accessible, and offer a classroom setting without the necessity of attending college. Some Schools of Ministry offer a combination of Berean and college courses. You will find several schools listed below. If you don't see one listed in your region, check with your District to see if they have a School of Ministry.